
Companies are an aggrupation of people: employees and managers, clients, providers, among others. The people, each one with their own agenda, are not exempted of having behaviors that are against the ethics, morals, country laws and organization norms. The breach of these will consequently produce a severe damage to the society and the company, and the firm cannot sidestep its responsibility. Because of this, the compliance of the norms is becoming more important inside the organizations; as much as in the payroll of the collaborators, like in their value chain.

Nowadays, it’s impossible to think of a company without a Compliance model that assures the fulfillment of the obligations, from a legal and an ethical point of view. At Upside Risks we help our clients perform an identification process of their principal risks of compliance, recognizing their determinants and defining their main mitigants. This is important to design a norm that works towards compliance within the organization. 

Risk Management Model

Macro & Geopolitical Risk

Strategic and Financial Planning


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